Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ignore my entry dates

I am taking preliminary notes through the Prairie Primer and getting some general links and ideas set up for the various books...and I'm trying to 'save' the other pages and book entries for later publishing.  LOL...but I've posted a couple now instead of later.

They will all be listed in the sidebar under each book and its corresponding week's reading.  There is also a category listing in the first sidebar for you to find things easier.  I am listing everything in several categories to make it all easier to locate when I want it later on.

Please be sure to leave me a comment with any additional notes, book ideas, resources online, crafts, etc that you might have to coordinate with the various books and their weeks.  I will be making additions to the individual posts as needed, so be sure to check them once in a while for anything new.  I want to keep things as fun and as covered as I can, perhaps needing only some additional math work to provide a fairly rounded curriculum around these books.  Of course, everything is just a jumping off point...bunny trails on all these various subjects surrounding science, history and more can really flesh out your schooling.

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