Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Long Winter...Week 1 Resources

In light of the cold we have, we are reading The Long Winter again (yes, just did this a couple months back...we like winter, what can I say?), and studying the blizzard of 1880-1881 as well as some other notable storms. We pulled the Prairie Primer out this morning, checked the new updates over at the We Love The Prairie Primer blog, and dug in...between feeding the woodstove and cuddling puppies, that is. The Prairie Primer blog has some great YouTube videos we'll be using. She has done a great job of collecting so many things -- what a treasure!

Here are some water cycle ideas, in lapbook form, from Our Homeschooling Expedition.

Indian Tribes of South Dakota page specifically for our study, Sioux and Blackfoot...
fun and informative links with coloring pages, word puzzles and more are here...
with some for Dakota Sioux...
Native American History for Kids pages look promising...
Lakota and Sioux Fact Sheet...
Native America craft ideas 1 2 3 4 5 6

The Battle of/Massacre at Wounded Knee will be a part of our study as well, of course. The Wounded knee Museum pages look good...
Wounded Knee, Last of the Independents pages...
Eyewitness to History: Massacre at Wounded Knee...they have other pages as well covering many other battles and topics in general...
a Google time line of Wounded Knee...
A Massacre Survivor Speaks...
a collection of links and lesson plans on Native American Indians from Teach-nology

Morse Code
A Brush with History from the Smithsonian, Samuel Morse

As a bonus here on the homestead, I have a rogue rooster out there who is really pressing his luck...maybe we'll do some hands-on study with the chicken's digestive system thoughts for week 1!

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