Monday, December 27, 2010

It's a Kindle sort of Classroom....

Well, it's going to be.
I got a Kindle for Christmas and I'm loving it so far.  Today I pulled out the notebook computer and just spent over an hour loading that little reader wonder with the books we'll use in our studies as well as practical goodies (several cookbooks, reference books, etc.) and then just some plain fun for momma who never gets to read anything other than school books :o)

Of course, now I have to sit and go back through them all and get them placed into some sort of usable reference order.  Thank you Kindle folks for making "collections" on this little wonder!

I'm totally new to Kindle schooling, but I've noticed alot of others already on the wagon.  I have lots of books....the real deal, pages, covers and all that...and while alot of tech-saavy schoolers are using this little smartbook for their home libraries, I will not be down-sizing my physical bookshelves in favor of smartbooks.  I love real books.  I love turning pages, smelling a good old book, listening to that paper noise.  I love this Kindle thus far, but it's not going to replace books here in this little homestead school, but it will definitely add to our library.

Sara shared with me a great blog link, a compiled grouping of Ambleside Online/Home Education books, all Kindle-ready! She even shared a great link for making your own Kindle covers.  I had a Kindle cover...a nice leather one with a light.  It didn't work.  Fresh out of the box, nothing.  Don't even get me started on the numb-nuts I had to deal with trying to return the stupid thing.  So, I'm looking at options today to get this little wonder book into some protection :o) you have a Kindle? Do you like it? Do you use it in your hoomeschooling, or just for personal use?


Nancy Kelly said...

I have the Kindle app on my new iPad and am trying to sort it all out! Thanks for sharing the link to the AO books.

Ring true,

Moskowicz Family said...

just found your blog, it is great!
we just got a kindle and i never considered using it for homeschooling, but now i am going to check it out a bit more closely. my husband has been the one mostly using it.