Saturday, March 31, 2012

Science Class: The Human Body, Cells, DNA and Genes

We are workiing through some science lessons, loosely using the outline of Otters Science from Guest Hollow.  We are also using their outline for American History 2...but that's another post :-)

The human body...Cells:
The Centre of the Cell
Cells Alive
Cells, the Building Bricks of Life

Bill Nye the Science Guy, Cells
The Magic School Bus
The Human Body...DNA and Genes  As with any study of DNA and genetics, you will find many articles and pos regarding topics such as cloning and stem cell research. We cannot avoid these articles if we are to learn about these head topics, however, I am not teaching those sub-topics to my children. Use caution as to how you approach some links and sites when Googling topics of this nature.

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