Saturday, March 31, 2012

LHOP: Little Town, week 1

Monday: chapters 1-3
Tuesday: chapters 4-5
Wednesday: chapters 6-7
Thursday: chapter 8
Friday: review and finish

Topics to cover and read about:
Begin Memorizing Romans 12 to complete by end of book
We Love the Prairie Primer week 1 Notes and Links
George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
The Louisiana Purchase
Sheep sorrels herb
Learn about the care of chickens
Apply Acts 20:35 and Galatians 6:7-10 to chapter 4 reading

What did Laura think about having a job in town?
With what and how was the baby calf fed? Why didn't they allow the calf to nurse?
Why did Laura not play in the freshly plowed ground?
On a sunny day what did grace discover?
What was the Ingalls' problem? How could a cat help?
What character qualities did Pa show?
Was Springtime a time for visiting? Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
What are 3 reasons the Bible gives for suffering in II Corinthians 1:3-11?
What is a cockerel? What is a pullet?
What did they put on their salads as dressing?
Narrate the amazing surprise story
What was Laura's first day of work like?
How had her life at home prepared her for this job?
What did Laura do with her money?
Because of homesteading, where did the wives, boys and girls live during the summer?
What did the husbands do, and why? (pg 49-50)
How did they keep bugs from their homes?
What was Carrie's job? What was Grace's job?
Write/Narratee a report on the proper care and management of a chicken flock
Draw a poster showing the health and safety shown in Proverbs 23:29-35
Draw a picture of your own chicken coop design and label
Learn about the Louisiana Purchase
What were the Ingalls' awakened by?
How far did they walk into town? How far is town from your home?
What important US document did both Laura and Carrie know by heart?
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Who won the buggy race?
What handicap did the horses have to overcome?
Apply Proverbs 12:10 to Almanzo's character

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