In the fall of 1875, Pa returned home and moved Ma and the girls into a rented house in Walnut Grove. On November 1, 1875, Charles Frederick Ingalls was born. When the 1876 crop, Pa felt he could no longer remain in Wlanut Grove. Friends from their church urged them to become their partners in a hotel business in Burr oak, Iowa. Pa agreed. En route to Iowa, while visiting Uncle Peter and Aunt Eliza Ingalls, illness struck laura's only brother. On August 27, 1876, less than a year after his birth, little Freddie died.Notes of background: The Dakota Territory from Wikipedia, Creating a Dakota Territory from the State Historical Society of North Dakota, Dakota Territory and Statehood
Along with possibly 200 other wagons, the Ingalls family arrived in Burr Oak, sad and tired from the events of their journey. The Ingalls quickly went to work caring for the guests. Laura, now age 10, went to school with Mary. It was during their year long stay in Burr Oak that Grace Pearl Ingalls was born.
After a year in Burr Oak, the Ingalls returned to Walnut Grove. While living in town, Pa supported his family with a variety of odd jobs as a carpenter, a clerk, a butcher, a storekeeper and a miller. Then, in 1879, the opportunity to move westward happened and Pa was again on the move.
The Homestead Act of 1862 via documents, Library of Congress, National Park Service
Thhe Chicago & Northwestern Railroad via ND Studies: Railroads Open Dakota for Settlement, Railroad Parts: History for Kids pages
Reading Schedule:
Monday: chapters 1-2
Tuesday: chapters 3-4
Wednesday: chapters 5-6
Thursday: chapters 7-8
Memory Work: Romans 8:31-39
Memorize each state and state capitol, in the order of their entrance to the Union (to finish by the end of this book, you'll need to learn 3 states per day).
Keep a State Notebook during this book. A resource we enjoy here is Trail Guide to US Geography from GeoMatters.
This first week we will trail into areas such as causes of diseases,immunizations, how germs enter the body and how infections are spread, all about bacteria and viruses particularly meningitis, scarlet fever and measles. We will also learn about eyes, and eyesight.
We will begin learning about Statehood, the various design of the United States territories over the decades, and our own state history.
Weekly Notes:
What happened to Mary as a result of her illness with scarlet fever?
What was mary's reaction to her misfortune?
Why did Pa not like the country? What did he want to do?Why had the family not followed Pa's desires?
What did they think of riding the train? Do you have any railway museums in your area?
What enabled them to pay their debts before moving on? What might a family of lesser character done?
What was jack's reaction to moving? Where had Jack previously traveled with the family?
Where did jack sleep, and why? What did Laura do before bedtime each night?
What did Laura regret (pg 13)?
What did Laura now know (pg 14)?
Study the purpose, then and now, of the United States territories/states.
Research the signs, causes, and treatments and effects of meningitis and scarlet fever. What are the differences in the illnesses between today and Laura's time?
Learn about antibiotics, how they are produced and how they are administered.
Draw a map of your state and label it with agricultural, mineral, forest products and industries.
Read about Fanny Crosby and write/dictate/narrate a report about her life as a blind poet.
What had the family done preparing for their departure?
How did Laura compare wagon travel by train travel?
How did Mary "see" the seat?
What fueled the train?
How did the train turn around?
What was Laura's opinion of Pa (pg 31)?
Why did they dread going to the dining room? Why were the dishes covered with screen?
What did the waitress assume about the Ingalls? Why do most families come in the spring?
Keep memorizing your states/capitols/dates of statehood!
Mark your state map with lnadmarks and geographical features. Write some notes on the Indians, land, weather and first explorers to your state.
Study types of viruses. Label a paper with the headings: Bacteria, Virus, Both. List as many diseases as you can under these headings.
Make a poster showing the 'life cycle' of a germ, how they enter the body, how they spread, how they are dealt with.
Learn about measles and rubella (measles is another disease that was known to cause blindness)
What event on page 24 proves that their society did not apply the knowledge of the time about germ therapy?
What are satchels?
Discuss the differences between being physically blind and spiritually blind...John 12:40, II Corinthians 4:4, I John 2:11)
Were the Ingalls environmentally conscience?
Continue work on your US States memorization.
Write/Dictate/Narrate a report about the first men to come to your state....Missionaries, trappers, explorers, etc.
Study the eye, diagram the parts and explain their purpose, look at things that can impair vision.
Dissection of a cow eye, Enchanted Learning's eye page, anatomy of an eye
Explain the saying "you look as if butter would melt in your mouth"